Medinas and Mosaics: Colors of Morocco
A coloring book for the days of social isolation
Free to download (click cover image) but if you feel generous please help out undocumented workers in the US who are in danger during this pandemic by donating here.
Moor: a Henna Atlas of Morocco
by Lisa Butterworth (Kenzi) and Nic Tharpa Cartier
This groundbreaking book is the product of more than a decade of careful study in an effort to preserve the ancient henna traditions of Morocco. Moor offers a wealth of historical and cultural information about henna in Morocco—a distinctly women’s art form that struggles to maintain its identity in a rapidly changing world. Moor contains over 100 pages of meticulously cataloged Moroccan henna patterns— both traditional and original. Learn the origins and meanings of the Moroccan designs you love, how to create effective Moroccan designs of your own, and how Moroccans incorporate henna into their lives. Fall in love with Moroccan henna—for the first time or all over again.
43 pages of text (covering Moroccan history, culture, henna as well as a comprehensive design manual), 22 full pages of photos as well as other photos throughout the book, and 100 pages of historical and original designs. This book is also available as a bound print-on-demand book through, shipping all over the world. The hardcover will lie flat(tish) for those of you who want to use the book in your booth/table. These books are 8x10, full-color glossy, and contain everything found in the e-book and they look like real books, like the kind you find in a bookstore.
Buy hardcover book here - $76
Buy softcover book here - $63
E-Book of Moor: A Henna Atlas of Morocco
The e-book has been divided into 5 separate sections (Culture/History, Design Manual, Historical Drawings, Original Drawings, Photos) for those who want just one part of the book, instead of buying the whole book. Each section is $15. If you want to buy the entire e-book the price is $48; email us for details.
Buy E-Books Here on Etsy - $15 ea.
La Fete: Stories of Hot Tea, Sweet Cookies, and Gorgeous Henna from the Heart of Morocco
In Morocco, henna and hospitality go hand in hand. In this new book, Nic Tharpa Cartier and Lisa "Kenzi" Butterworth have put together a collection of new Moroccan-style henna designs for your enjoyment, plus stories, recipes, and folklore of the Moroccan world of spontaneous social gatherings.
-35 pages of henna patterns, from beginner to advanced levels
-Moroccan henna recipe
-Recipes for mint tea, and four different kinds of Moroccan tea snacks
-Stories and folkloric information, told by the authors about their time in Morocco
Moor on the Spot
by Lisa Butterworth (Kenzi) and Nic Tharpa Cartier
"Moor on the Spot" is a collection of more than 80 Moroccan-style spot designs that can be created in as little as 5 minutes. This is a great festival book!
20 pp : $7
Other Henna Books by Nic Tharpa Cartier
My co-author of Moor, Nic Tharpa Cartier, has created some of the best henna design books that you will ever find. He has an incredible ability to decode traditional designs from diverse sources (jewelry, textiles etc.) transmuting these styles into gorgeous henna designs. Below is a list of his books available on his Etsy shop for immediate download. Poke around his Etsy page where you'll find some incredible handmade jewelry, prints and paintings.