Original Henna Design Collection from Moor: A Henna Atlas of Morocco by Lisa "Kenzi" Butterworth and Nic Tharpa Cartier

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Original Henna Design Collection from Moor: A Henna Atlas of Morocco by Lisa "Kenzi" Butterworth and Nic Tharpa Cartier


This groundbreaking book is the product of more than a decade of careful study in an effort to preserve the ancient henna traditions of Morocco. This e-book is the Original Henna Design Collection of the book.

This section is the collaborative brainchild of years of collecting and reproducing Moroccan designs from a wide variety of sources— the designs have been incubating all that time. In addition, all the travelers to Morocco and the Moroccans we have met over the years have been quite happy to share with us their photos of henna, and we are grateful for this as it rounds out the variety of designs we are able to present here.

Where possible, we have indicated the source of the design and/or the regional style it represents. The original designs will be especially helpful to look at while you are reading the Design Manual. We hope that these designs will show you not only the full glory of what Moroccan henna is but also what it could be—inspiring you to be a part of creating a future for Moroccan henna designs. Many of the designs appear as mirror images, even though Moroccan naqashat do not usually work that way. We wanted to make it easier to copy a design onto either hand or either foot.

This e-book is 60 pages with text and illustrations.

Note: This is a digital item, not a physical book (the photo is only to show what the pages look like).

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